Sep 12Liked by TheAbjectLesson

The sickening fact that sickening is big business. An ignorant society is a sick society. Separation of church and state? Why didn't they understand that what was needed was separation of education and state?!

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haha.. don’t get ME started !

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Love this Essay .. For my 2nd ‘attempt - read it backwards - two paragraphs at a time.. even the big one - I deploy this when recognizing my 1st Read sucks the big one & just ‘skimming (if that !)

This ‘series ain’t as compelling for me - as the Aviation Mishap Series of course - but that Series told me what a truly serious dude your were / & likely remain

I don’t hold your ‘politics against you - nor do i really have an inkling.. mebbe just a mild suspicion. You likely own a gun - sold mine after leaving the farm - you’re American - I’m Canadian

will get back to ya .. as i has questions about the ‘proliferation of - bottled & canned Soda with Alcohol - taking over Shelf Space in the ‘Cooler section of Liquor Stores .. what’s that all about ?


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Aussi, la famille de mon pere et toute canadienne - de Sherbrooke, au sud de Montreal. Je suis americain, mais mon coeur est aussi canadien.

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.. haha .. ‘synchronicity strikes deep - into your heart it may creep .. You’re a truly intriguing cat .. bro .. but was ‘serendipity - we cross paths .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

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There are no coincidences, mon vieux! Only synchronicities.

Well met.

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This isn't a new series - this was something I wrote some time ago, while I was more involved against this kind of corruption. I dug it out and updated it to show people about 3rd and 4th order consequences of things that they probably assume are benign or, at worst, not a factor at all to them (like legislation from the 1930s). This is my ode to Bastiat.

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