It may take more than a generation or two to see a change :(

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Barry - I think you are probably correct; I'm just trying to leave some bread crumbs - in the tradition of one of my heroes, Albert Jay Nock.


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If it's just a procedural thingy, there is possibility for a future lawsuit. Right? Maybe the New York Post can claim standing. After all, it was the scoop of the 21st century.

In the meantime, it's simply time to build digital infrastructure which isn't based in the greater San Francisco area. With modern technology, you don't need demon possessed posthumans in order to build a social networking application. (With PHP or Ruby on Rails, demonic assistance is perhaps necessary...)

PM me if you are interested in my own project in this regard. (Gotta keep certain brands separate, so a PM is necessary.)

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Fabius, the problem with the majority decision is more than just procedural. It has set the bar so high for what would be required to show standing it has all but eviscerated the First Amendment rights of Americans to speak, to be heard, or to get information. The govt now has been greenlighted to control the "cognitive infrastructure" through the use of cutouts and favored 501(c)3. It is an appallingly bad decision for reasons that will become manifest to history - if there is even such a thing as "history" in the aftermath.

To which I say - Good. Let it all burn to the ground.

As far as I can tell, the Federalists were wrong and Publius and the anti-federalists were right.

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Points taken. You are the expert here.

All the more reason to play metapolitics and parallel economy.

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I should have addressed your second point - yes, yes, yes!

So many great writers here on Substack make this same point about building locally and separately from government. It is time for the Great Turning Away from fedgov and return to great Acts of Creation.

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